In almost every interview, I'll get asked "Who inspires you?"
And it changes daily. Sometimes it's the sweet waitress who was extra attentive and smiled at every request my daughter threw at her. Most days it's my husband who continuously wants to better himself inside and out and is forever a student. Occasionally it's someone big and influential in the world, standing up for what they believe in and sharing it with the world.
But this week I was blown away by one of my clients sending me through a testimonial to use on my Loving Words page.
I hadn't even asked her for one. She felt pulled to share her experience and I was completely humbled and honoured to have been in this girls life. Every coaching call we have she blows me away, she's the type of client that ends up the complete opposite of when she started. From insecure and hating on herself to bright and glowing with confidence. From having a confused relationship with food (once asking me "So... Should I be vegan or Paleo?") to now living and eating so intuitively and realising that her body needs change regularly and being able to feed herself accordingly.
Marissa inspires me. Because as much as I would love to swoop in and take credit for her transformation (hello, Ego!) I know in my heart that it's all her. She wouldn't have made these changes without giving herself permission to LOVE herself unconditionally.
I admire this girl.
"As an 18 year old girl in America having struggled with body image and self confidence for as long as I could remember, I came to Ange as a confused, insecure bundle of anxiety.
I had been someone who had always longed to see my body ten pounds thinner and my life ten times fuller. At first, I suppressed my other concerns, because all I could see was my discontentment with my mirror's reflection. I was nervous to even begin chatting with Ange on Skype because I was ashamed of my appearance and was intimidated by her radiance. So much so that I actually had a trial session with Ange a year prior to when I began with her this past winter, but at that point I was not ready to face all of my fears.
When I finally did return to Ange, she greeted me from a place of love and understanding.
My vulnerability was exposed and my intimidation dissolved as she showed me that she is not the "perfect" image I had created of her, but instead is authentic, real, and a resilient individual who has overcome her own struggles. Ange gave me the tools to dig deep and meet not only my goals with "secondary foods" but more importantly with my "primary food". She saw my potential when I couldn't. She showed me love and compassion when I didn't accept myself. And she patiently listened as I struggled to sort out my own confusion. I felt safe speaking with her; no topic was off limit for discussion.
With time, I began to transform physically and emotional. I have overcome my food fears, released myself from the detrimental cycle of dieting, and have even become so intuitive that I understand my body's needs as they change daily. Even from the other side of the world I could feel her holding my hand through everything. Eventually, our sessions began to be filled with more laughs than cries. And now, as my time as her client ends, I know that I am walking away with a bond to her that will not end.
My hurt bursts with gratitude and love for the person that Ange is and the person that she has helped me to unleash. She inspires me daily and I will continue to implement the strategies that she has expose me to. Her approach is unlike any other therapy or self help I have received. Her work is a direct reflect of herself: genuine and devout. She is a gift that the universe presented me when I needed it most."
And I wanted to share this with you because Marissa started this journey with little hope. She wanted change but she didn't think it was possible because she was feeling so low in herself that it seemed impossible that she could dig herself out of this headspace.
She learnt to love herself. Unconditionally. And the curveballs that life threw her way became lessons instead of challenges.
This can be you.
Whether it be through 1:1 Coaching like Marissa has been through, or taking one of the final spaces in my Self Love Transformation, you have the power to feel the way Marissa and all of my other gorgeous glowing clients feel now.
Because you are. You are 100% worthy of this.
PS. Check out my girls new Instagram page, documenting her new amazing relationship with food RIGHT HERE!
Self love can be at the core of what we need. Sometimes when we're doing it all the things we think we should be doing - juicing, bootcamp and meditating - we forget the most important part of feeling good...
There are limited spaces left now for the SELF LOVE TRANSFORMATION.
Click below to learn all about it!