Hey there, I’m Ange Simson
Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Mama Bear, Writer, speaker + mentor.
: making chocolate healthy
: feeling good
: my gorgeous little girls
Gratitude is my thing.
I work with big hearted females (that's you) who feel like they've lost, or are yet to have found that golden light in life that makes them feel whole. I'm here to bring you back home to yourself and your happiness.
I do this by gently guiding you through the fog to rediscover
:: the vibrancy that comes with eating delicious, nutritious + satisfying foods
:: the connection you desire with your partner / family / soul sisters
:: your passion for life and your contribution to the world around you
I want you to fall back in love with the person you are and the world you've created for yourself.
So, how did I get here?
+ Born in 1987 to two of the kindest and most generous people on this planet in Townsville, Australia.
+ I met my former husband in 2004. He was my boss, older than me and a big part of my journey. We were together for 16 years and had our girls together, we’re still friends (most of the time).
+ Before getting married I decided to work towards healing myself naturally of my debilitating aura migraine with nutrition and mindset work.
+ Studied at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition to become a Certified Health Coach.
+ Made chubby babies, found out I had a heart condition, had a few surgeries, discovered a new level of happiness and rode off into the sunset with my new life.
Not quite enough?
Behind the heavily filtered happy snaps and photos sunsets over the ocean you’ll typically see on Instagram there’s so much more to a person’s life story. And I’m no exception. I am more than a handful of highlights listed out in bullet point form and I’m so glad you want to dig a little deeper.
So what about the low points? I hear you asking. What was the low point that made you decide to take action?
I’ve read books about famous self help authors who reached their rock-bottom while in hysterics on the bathroom floor. Wellbeing coaches I admire detail moments of darkness on their websites which were the catalyst that to inspired them to make dramatic change.
Because everyone needs to hit rock-bottom in order for them to want to change, right?
The truth is, when I started working on myself, I didn’t have a ‘rock bottom’ story to tell. For the most part I’ve plotted through life with a generally positive disposition. As luck would have it, I had also been relatively unaffected by tragedy. You see, I didn’t have a tear jerking, Oprah style moment that moved me to action and working on myself. Which is where the biggest lesson was for me.
I realised, that working on your health, happiness, mindset and spiritual practice is important while things are flowing, not just when things go south.
If I had waited until my uncoupling from my ex husband, or for a health condition to knock me into a journey I never expected, it would’ve been so much harder to do ‘the work’.
But more on that soon…
I've suffered from migraines since I was a young teen. To say they knock me out would be an understatement. I lose my vision, get pins and needles down one side of my body and the pain is so severe that it has taken me to a place of depression and occasionally, suicidal thoughts. Most times I'll end up vomiting and it takes me at least day to be able to function and wearily emerge my dark room. If you've ever experienced one, you'll know what I mean. The type of migraines I was getting are one of the most disabling illnesses you can have, comparable to dementia, quadriplegia and active psychosis.
But I had become ok with the fact that this was my life. Until I thought about having children. I couldn’t be knocked out for a day or two when I had a newborn to look after or a child to watch. I went to see my doctor who had a more natural approach to healing and told her I needed help.
This is where EVERYTHING changed. She looked at my diet - Coco Pops, microwave meals, sausage rolls, chocolate and ice cream. I had no idea that what you ate had such an impact on all aspects of your health (other than weight). I was hugely uneducated and grew up with cereal and drive through McDonalds as my staple foods. Vegetables? Yuck! Fruit? Did banana bread count? Apparently not.
With her advice I cut gluten and dairy out of my diet. Stopped eating sugar and started downing green smoothies. Two weeks in and I was a new person. My skin was clearing up, I lost weight and my migraines decreased in severity. This was just the beginning. I found mentors to guide me through, I spent hours reading up on food and nutrition, researching toxins and playing around with my diet. Then one day, while I was opening up page one of 927 in my larger than life book on nutrients in food, my then husband recommended that I should actually start studying this instead of reading it for fun.
So I did. I enrolled at the largest nutrition school in the world Institute for Integrative Nutrition – and started my journey to become a qualified Health Coach.
At first I was doing this purely for my family and our health. I wanted to be as vibrant as possible for this little baby we were planning on creating and I wanted to raise her so she could thrive in life and have the best chance at living fully. But through my time at IIN, I realised that health wasn't just what is on your plate.
Everything you consume, food, books, ideas, media, your relationships... determines how you feel.
I then started to realise the ironies of the world we live in...
:: a rising obesity rate with more people than ever dying from diet related disease in a world that is diet and body image obsessed.
:: a disconnected society of lonely, unfulfilled, and depressed humans in a world where we are more connected to one another than ever before by social media.
:: a thirst and cry for knowledge in a world where the internet provides us with more information than we could possibly get through in a lifetime.
So I did the work. Too much to explain in one ‘About Me’ page but I dived in deep. Learning about not only food and nutrition, but relationships, communication, yoga, spirituality, metaphysics, positive psychology and wealth creation.
Then - when I was prepared to deal with it - i got my face down, earth shattering events all happen within twelve months.
In the same year that my ex husband and I decided to uncouple, which, although amicable and a loving experience, was still heart breaking and devastating to me in so many ways, I also was diagnosed with a birth defect heart condition and suffered from two mini strokes. Soon after my TIA stroke, I fell in love with an incredible man who was already in my life, complicating the situation that when we were still married, we were all friends. I dealt with plenty of criticism and hate from our community despite us both being single when we decided to date.
I had tests on top of tests, way too many visits to the hospital and two surgeries to correct the defect. I lost a part of my vision in my left eye which I still haven’t and probably will never recover from my TIA stroke. I lived in fear for a period of time of having another stroke, maybe not so ‘mini’ next time. I copped bitchy-ness, segregation and judgement for my new relationship. And most heartbreaking on all of it was helping my girls move through their new life and family dynamics when their dad left the country to start his new life, business and relationship in New York City.
Safe to say, lots of shit went down in 2019.
And there were definitely tears.
There was pain.
I was completely unresourceful in moments.
BUT… It wasn’t the end of my world.
Because of the work I had done, because of how deeply I was committed to growth and getting to know myself as well as I could, these events didn’t break me. I had learnt over the years how to fully feel emotions and move forward positively. I had learnt to take self responsibility for where I was at, always. I had built a business that was created around helping others to find wealth and success which meant I got to move through all of this with a level of financial abundance that gave me lots of peace and security. But most importantly, I had learnt to use gratitude through all of my challenges so that I could grow from them and always find a level of peace that kept me sane.
And despite it all, right now, in this moment, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.
This is where I am now, and I'm absolutely thrilled that you're here.
All my love