When I speak to people about how I help women through my coaching practice, they usually ask - is it all about food? Hell no sister! The first thing I ask these people is - “How is your sleep?”
I used to be shocked at the reply, but I’m slowly realising how many people are living sluggishly with broken, bad quality sleep. Plus not nearly enough hours.
I’m not one to rant (actually, I totally am) but if you’re reading this and you’re getting only a few hours of sleep or you’re not feeling like the sleep you are getting is of good quality, you are not allowing yourself to live a life where you can thrive.
I have watched so many of my clients completely transform their lives and the easiest step that they took in which they noticed the best and most immediate results was improving their sleep. I’m not even close to joking. Eating clean and moving your body is a great way to feel better, but I know that it takes time to feel the results of a better diet and fitter body. Sleep on the other hand, one to two nights and you’re a new woman.
I would also like to point out that many of my clients are mothers, as am I, whose children can wake them in the middle of the night. This is no longer a valid excuse as I have watched these women still be woken by boogy monster fears and milk thirst induced screams but still wake up revitalised by the good quality sleep that they were able to achieve.
So because I love you (and I really really do) I’m going to share with you a few ways that you can boost your sleep starting tonight and start to feel the benefits of being truly rested!
Dry brush
I find dry brushing extremely meditative and relaxing, it calms my mind and softens my muscles after a long day. I used to only dry brush in the morning but having a very active 3 year old means that my time is sometimes limited when it’s up and out the door in the am. In the evening, I will dim the lights, run an epsom salt bath with some lavender essential oils and while the tub is filling, I dry brush my whole body from toes to top. Ever since I’ve started this ritual I notice that the nights I do it I fall asleep much faster and deeper.
If you’ve ever had issues sleeping because of a uncomfortable digestive issue or loud grumbly stomach, a probiotic could be the answer to your white cloud sleep dreams. When your gut is not functioning properly it can overwhelm and exhaust your immune system making for more stress on your body as a whole. The best way to attack this issue is by going straight to the source - the gut. A healthy gut can completely change your life, as well as your sleep. Look at adding in probiotic rich foods like fermented vegetables and kombucha or kefir to your nightly feed and head to your local health food store to speak to a professional on which the best strain of probiotic capsules is for your personal needs.
A recent study I read about showed that when a group of adults was taught mindfulness and meditation techniques compared to another group who learnt about better sleep techniques, the meditators noted less insomnia, fatigue and depression after just six weeks. The group learning sleep techniques noticed a less effective difference. So I can give you all the tips in the world on how to sleep well, but if you want to fast track and feel a real difference not only in your sleep but your whole life changes, start meditating!
Wash your sheets weekly
I would say most people I speak to wash their sheets every two weeks, some wait even longer. I used to fall in the 14 day bed stripping category. It seemed reasonable, we all shower before bed in my home and we don’t eat or watch TV in our bedroom so I felt that was the right amount of time between washes. Then one day I came home to a freshly made bed from my husband who knew that I had had a rough few days and wanted to spoil me. That night when I slid under the covers I felt rejuvenated and relaxed all at the same time and I realised the magic of clean sheets. So I got researching and uncovered (yes, uncovered!) that for hygiene purposes, it’s recommended that we wash the sheets once a week to kill any bacteria that can be lurking. It’s better for your sleep and health, but to make it fun, get the whole family involved. We strip the bed every Saturday morning and it’s way faster with two people!
Since becoming pregnant, I've been waking up in the middle of the night and struggling to get back to sleep. So while falling asleep is simple for me, getting back to sleep was getting a little difficult. On the advice from some amazing people on my Facebook page, I started using DoTERRA Vetiver Essential Oil on the tops of my feet and also Amazing Oils Magnesium Roll On. I am now sleeping all through the night!
Let me know in the comments below if you try out any of these techniques and how you go with them! But if your sleep issues are clearly manifesting out of stress, issues with your food and nutrition or your need for some extra support and guidance in building your dream life through health + happiness, head to my Coaching Page to see if a 1:1 personalised program is right for you. I close the books in a matter of weeks for new clients so I can get ready for baby number two, so if you've been thinking about it - time to take action!
If you need some guidance, you can download my free eBook which will walk you through 30 Days of Self Love. You can follow my self love journey on Instagram and I would love for you to show me yours using the hashtag #30DaystoSelfLove.