Loving Words
"What sets Ange apart from other coaches is her big, beautiful, open heart. Ange radiates love and oozes authenticity which makes being in her company so magical!"
Melissa Ambrosini : Author + Self Love Teacher
"Ange is a ‘one in a million’. She has a great open-ness and energy about her – that is truly infectious. She’s always so gracious and I just love her approach to practicing gratitude. I think she’s definitely someone to aspire to and we are so fortunate that she has been brave enough to share her personal story with the world so that we too could take learnings from her incredible journey."
“Working with Ange has been a great pleasure. She’s smart, easy-going and always leaves us feeling energetic and happy about life. More than a collaborator, she’s pretty much part of the MooGoo family and we couldn’t be more happy about it.”
"After completing Ange’s online program I had identified that self-love was non-existent in my life. I needed a safe, trusted person to help me and that’s exactly what I got and more.
I was provided a loving and secure space to be honest and open about what I was truly feeling and experiencing in life.
During our time together I started questioning what I do and why I run on auto-pilot doing what I ‘should’ and not making conscious choices. I kept saying I didn’t have time for myself and by the end of our time together I realised that there is always time for me, I just needed help finding it.
I am no longer feeling like a “victim” of my life, I now have control over what I’m experiencing. I can’t change what happens but I can definitely change my reactions.
Since our time together I have continued working on the concepts we discussed together… and the transformation in my life has been astounding!"
jill l. : coaching client
"I've had the incredible pleasure of working with Ange in a variety of ways for over a year now, and first and foremost, I cannot emphasise enough how much Ange helped me to change my life.
Working with Ange as both a health coaching and a coach coaching client, I can attest to her brilliance, expertise, and practical awesomeness to both areas. She helped me to get clearer in my relationships, open up to and take action on the things in my life that needed change and step into my power as a coach, business owner, mentor and honestly as a woman.
I first came across Ange through Instagram - honestly can't remember how I found her account. But her energy, light and love instantly hit me, and I knew I wanted to be connected to her. Fast forward several months, when I was back perusing Ange's site - per my career coach's guidance to look for people who have the energy that I'm drawn to, that I want to create, and use that as a jumping of point for what I wanted me career to be. I'd almost decided to attend the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and was pretty sure that this health coaching thing was for me. When suddenly I see that Ange also went to IIN - total fate, right?? From there, I emailed Ange in a totally overexcited frenzy - I honestly felt a bit like I was emailed a celebrity I looked up to. I asked or her advice on IIN, how her experience was, and if she had any thoughts on how I should proceed.
I nearly fell over when she told me about her coach coaching program. It was perfect.
I full heartedly believe that the Universe conspired to bring me to Ange at just the right moment. Not only did she allow me to step into my truth, power and my gifts as a coach, but she took it beyond that to help me heal some of the wounds I had around trusting strangers, around opening up and sharing my story, and especially around connecting with and trusting other women. Ange makes it easy to see the best, most beautiful light in people and in the world, and she combines that with incredibly poignant, evidence-based insights that make achieving your goals and taking yourself to the next level inevitable.
If you've made it to Ange's site, work with her. Make it happen. Investing in yourself by working with her is going to be a game changer."
"Ange’s coaching has opened my eyes and ears to new opportunities; I am tackling all facets of my life with new senses. I haven’t needed to make drastic changes but it's little tweaks here and there that are making the most amazing improvements that I never thought possible.
Throughout Ange’s suggested exercises and thought provoking questioning over the last 2 months, I am learning more and more about myself. Ange has an ability to allow me to figure out what I need to know and at the right times. Since being under Ange’s guidance my life is completely different and the ripple effects and benefits this is starting to have on my family and friends in also invaluable.
If you want to build your confidence, become someone who people gravitate to because you are glowing in gratitude, feel emotionally stronger and healthier than ever - then do what I did - join Ange’s guidance and make the investment in you, because we are worth it!"
Nicole : Coaching Client
"As an 18 year old girl in America having struggled with body image and self confidence for as long as I could remember, I came to Ange as a confused, insecure bundle of anxiety.
I had been someone who had always longed to see my body ten pounds thinner and my life ten times fuller. At first, I suppressed my other concerns, because all I could see was my discontentment with my mirror's reflection. I was nervous to even begin chatting with Ange on Skype because I was ashamed of my appearance and was intimidated by her radiance. So much so that I actually had a trial session with Ange a year prior to when I began with her this past winter, but at that point I was not ready to face all of my fears.
When I finally did return to Ange, she greeted me from a place of love and understanding.
My vulnerability was exposed and my intimidation dissolved as she showed me that she is not the "perfect" image I had created of her, but instead is authentic, real, and a resilient individual who has overcome her own struggles. Ange gave me the tools to dig deep and meet not only my goals with "secondary foods" but more importantly with my "primary food". She saw my potential when I couldn't. She showed me love and compassion when I didn't accept myself. And she patiently listened as I struggled to sort out my own confusion. I felt safe speaking with her; no topic was off limit for discussion.
With time, I began to transform physically and emotional. I have overcome my food fears, released myself from the detrimental cycle of dieting, and have even become so intuitive that I understand my body's needs as they change daily. Even from the other side of the world I could feel her holding my hand through everything. Eventually, our sessions began to be filled with more laughs than cries. And now, as my time as her client ends, I know that I am walking away with a bond to her that will not end.
My hurt bursts with gratitude and love for the person that Ange is and the person that she has helped me to unleash. She inspires me daily and I will continue to implement the strategies that she has expose me to. Her approach is unlike any other therapy or self help I have received. Her work is a direct reflect of herself: genuine and devout. She is a gift that the universe presented me when I needed it most."
"My zest for life and all my positivity had suddenly left me and I really wasn't sure why. I felt like I was letting my amazing partner and our gorgeous son down by not being the best version of me. Then slowly module by module, it all made sense. Certain people and issues in my life were holding me back, I did have to forgive and see these things as lessons in life.
My nightly ritual of writing down the things I am grateful for not only fill my heart with joy but I go to sleep feeling so blessed and happy. You've helped me turn my self critical voice into a positive one and I am embarrassed to say until this transformation, I had never meditated!!! Being the mother of a toddler I never tried to. But I did and not only has it helped me deal with stress it has also helped with my sometimes short temper and this was always something I really struggled with, and felt terribly guilty about especially if I raised my voice to my beautiful son.
Thank you Ange, you have really helped me get my best self back and confront a few issues I was really struggling with. My wonderful family thanks you as well as they have seen a big difference in me and they both feel that the heart of their home is happier than ever."
Lillie V : The Gratitude Transformation Student
"Where have you been all my life Ange? I am so glad I found you!
Ange is so amazingly kind and encouraging and inspiring. I have loved every minute of our time together. Every time after speaking to Ange I would always have this sense of confidence and radiance because she has been that little voice inside me giving me confidence and telling me I can do it! She has helped me realise anything is possible, I just have to plan and schedule and I'll see results. Best decision I have ever made was reaching out to Ange!
The biggest tangible change I have noticed since beginning the program has been my energy levels & RADIANCE!"
Jasmine Parkes : Coaching Client
"I have become so much stronger over the past 6 months. I believe in myself and I know that I can do ANYTHING and it doesn't matter what other people think or what other people are doing.
You showed me things about myself that I didn't even know were there. You helped me to improve and work on things that I didn't even realise were an issue.
I am better at making decisions. I do things for me, because I deserve it and because I don't give a damn what other people think! I wear clothes that I'm comfortable in. I've stopped doing things because they're 'instagrammable'. I stress less about things that don't matter. I'm more mindful and I live in the moment now.
Whenever I'm stressed or worried or freaking out, I ask myself 'what would Ange do? What would Ange say' and you pop in to my head clear as day giving me your logical solution. You have shown me that I have all the tools to be happy, whether or not I have a husband, boyfriend or no one at all. Happiness comes from within ME and I'm GRATEFUL for all that I do have."
"Angela is the true definition of a Soulpreneur.. lighting up the world with infectious grace and gratitude."
-Yvette Luciano : CEO and Founder of Earth HQ
"My coaching sessions with Ange opened up a whole new side of myself that I never really believed in was in me.
She is passionate, caring and very intelligent woman who truly cares and connects with her clients holistically, consciously and spiritually. She has a unique way of guiding your through your own path of finding your inner strength and listening to that little voice we have in our heads that we all to often close off to.
In my 3 months with Ange, I have already developed a much deeper respect for myself and understanding of my own needs in order to get the best out of my own life that will indeed only pass onto my family and relationships. I would recommend her in a heartbeat to anyone wanting to open themselves and lives up to a more positive and vibrant outlook on life. She is radiance inside and out."
Jessica Odenbreit : Coaching Client
"Angela has such an enormous heart and is genuinely committed to helping people become healthier and happier versions of themselves. Her extensive knowledge, open mind and personalised approach means you are guaranteed to receive the right guidance for YOU.
No strict fad diets of crazy cleanses, just empowering solutions to have you feeling energised, radiant and full-to-the-brim with gratitude and joy!"
REBECCA VAN LEeuwen : soul sister circle
"I sought out the help of Ange when I realised I was having problems letting go of my past. I'd suffered a horrible break up which left me with no self confidence and had me questioning my friendships, my career and my life path. My main objectives working with Ange were to increase my self confidence, gain spiritual balance and ultimately let go of my past.
Ange had an incredible way of bringing me back to me, focusing on things important to me and making myself a priority. It was important to have someone to be accountable to but also to feel comfortable enough to express my true feelings and discuss them openly. Not only did I meet all my goals in our 3 month program, I have learned life long skills and know myself a little better to deal with certain obstacles.
I cannot recommend Ange enough. Forever grateful to have met her."
Tanya M : Coaching Client
"Ange Simson is breathtaking and not just in appearance! She is an intuitive, wise, loving goddess! In my past 30 years as a teacher I’ve never met someone as young who is so divine, intuitive, innovative, deeply connected and sincerely compassionate.
Ange exemplifies the modern, healthy mum who chooses an intelligent, loving conscious mindset and lifestyle. A lifestyle that optimises her life, her family and others who come into her life.
Ange is an exquisite, classic beauty, who radiates true love and positive spirit from the inside out. She is a thoughtful and insightful writer, inspirational speaker and a supportive coach who embraces a results orientated practical approach led by her example.
Ange is one of my Yoga students and as my students are also my teachers, Ange is one of my extraordinary teachers! I have so much gratitude for this beautiful Gratitude Angel!"
Madonna Williams : Zen Soul Life
"On our first session Ange asked me about my spirituality and I was stuck to find an answer. Very quickly I came to believe in Ange and her super powers!
Life always takes a windy path and some days are better than others. On the not so good days, I now know the little things I need to do to pick myself up. You could say that she gave me a toolbox for happiness. I am so thankful for beautiful Ange."
Sophie C : Coaching Client
"I approached Ange for coaching 6 months ago because I needed help with my diet, support with my anxiety and I desperately wanted to get my own coaching business up and running, but didn’t even know where to start!
I had support the whole time. The tips and resources I’ve been given have gifted me the confidence to know I can actually have my own successful business. I have so much more self confidence and would hope that anyone wanting to boost their self esteem and achieve their goals get in touch with Ange ASAP. She’s so laid back, but was firm and honest when I needed it. Her straight forward method of coaching helped me make the changes I really wanted to over our time together and I didn’t ever feel like I was doing it alone.
I truely cherished our sessions together, having someone I could be completely open and honest with and not have to worry about judgement.
Thank you Ange!!"
shalee moschetti : health coach
"Working with Ange helped me in every aspect of my life! She gave me amazing advice in all areas but mostly she guided me to come to my own conclusions about my problems.
My health, sleep, marriage, parenting and even how I value myself have all improved out of sight thanks to this.
It was like chatting to a best friend that has all the right answers."
Rachel H : Coaching Client
"I would not have been able to accomplish what I did without the support of Ange.
What started as a plan to shift my diet from mindless binging to nourishing my body with healthy food, turned into a path of self-discovery and a new level of confidence I didn't know was possible. In talking with Ange, I was able to build the confidence to do things that once seemed incredibly terrifying and impossible to me at one point. Ange helped me find the courage to eliminate toxic relationships that didn't serve me from my life, she helped me learn how to enjoy and take valuable lessons from a job that wasn't fulfilling me and helped me overcome my fear of launching my own business. All while being my biggest cheerleader.
I would have felt lost without this support."
"I reached out to Ange for help because I was in desperate need of more energy, emotional support after a big year and someone to hold me accountable while I made healthy lifestyle changes. It was a big decision to invest in myself like this and I thought about it for a long time before signing up to the 3 month program. I’m a smart woman, couldn’t I do this on my own? Did I really need to pay someone to tell me to exercise? (Umm yes. Yes I did).
Well I most certainly never looked back. The support and guidance I received from Ange was invaluable. I found having someone to show compassion and encouragement when I needed it most was simply priceless. Ange’s relaxed, down to earth nature, her wisdom and relatability, and the connection that I felt to her, made me feel like I was just catching up with a girlfriend. (But a really supportive girlfriend who knows how to listen). Did I have to be vulnerable and share some of my deepest insecurities and fears? Yes. Did I have to make changes to see results? Yes. Did she encourage to me do things I didn’t necessarily want to do? Yes. (Lol). But was it worth it?
100% YES, 100 times over."
"I started the 6 Month Program feeling unhappy just being me.
During our time together, Ange gave me small changes to try out, which became habits and I slowly found myself making better choices in life and addressing some emotional issues that I used to sweep under the carpet.
Now? My outlook on me has completely changed. I don't hide from my emotions, I'm more positive - especially about myself - and my weight has naturally dropped without effort from all the changes and recommendations from Ange. I'm far more relaxed about my weight and I now feed myself for nourishment, not to drown out my feelings with jars of Nutella.
Ange is the most genuine and inspiring person I have ever had the privilege of speaking to. She truely has helped guide me to become a better me. And I'm happy within myself again!"
michelle : coaching client
"I was living a life that didn't feel like mine.
I was working events, studying a course I hated, partying to the early hours and pushing my body to the limit.
Ange as a coach is honestly like an angel sent from above!
I always say she practically saved my life because in reality, she did. She has inspired me and helped me grow into the woman I am today. She is kind, nurturing, caring, supportive and the best thing was that she never judged. She just supported and gave the guidance that I needed. She is the most beautiful soul to work with and I will be forever grateful!"
"I was stuck putting myself last and my family first. The typical wife/mother role with absolutely no self care.
I did this program not only so I could open my eyes to the positives in me, but so I could bring my daughter up having the self esteem that I've been lacking in the past.
During my time in the program, I gained clarity on how I needed to start treating myself and living my life appreciating the small things that make me so happy.
Ange is an angel in disguise and I would sign up for any program she was involved with!"
"I just want to thank you. I know I haven't been the easiest of clients and it's taken me a while to truly take on board some things you've taught me. It's been so difficult having to rewire the deep rooted thinking and on top of that, it's been painful to work through what I wanted to avoid but honestly, without you, I would not have realised that I needed to make a big change and now I'm starting to feel free and flowing in my life rather than heavy and confused all the time. Thank you for allowing me to realise the power I have in myself to live a life for me, to trust my strength and spirit and be able to stand strong in who I am.
I still have lots more work to do, but I feel like I'm finally on the right path. I'm so grateful to have stumbled across an amazing person like yourself. Your support and patience with me have been life changing. Keep spreading your magic far and wide, we need more people like you in this world."