Coffee and Charcoal to keep my skin glowing this season!
Two weeks ago I was speaking to my Intentional Living Group Coaching girls about how to remove toxins from your home and why it's so important.
So many beauty products, household cleaning products and food storage containers hold chemicals that our body doesn't respond well to and it's really important that as much as possible we're using products that don't contain things like SLS, parabens, propylene glycol and synthetic fragrances because this can be absorbed by our skin and effect our liver and mess with our hormones!
The girls were asking what I use and I mentioned a few MooGoo items that I've used for years. After a good 15 minute discussion on just this brand I wanted to share with ALL of you why I love these product and what I personally use and what my family loves.
Backtrack to 2013 when I was pregnant with Bo, I found MooGoo because I was suffering from dermatitis on my hands a little and needed to find a body wash that wouldn't irritate and would hopefully help to heal!
I stumbled onto their website and ended up ordering a whole bunch of bits for when baby Bo was due to arrive. Knowing that I didn't want to start my little girls life by washing her with nasty fragranced soaps, my first purchase was Milk Wash, which I used for myself and for her. Eventually I switched this up for Mini Moo Bubbly Wash because what child doesn't like a bubble bath!
The reason I love MooGoo Wash is because it's free of SLS (sodium laureth sulphate) which is a very irritating detergent that can dry your skin and is found in most cleansing products. SLS is what would irritate my dermatitis and dry out my hands even more.
Speaking of my dermatitis, during this time of my first pregnancy and being super careful about what I put in my body and ON my body, I needed to find something to give my hands relief so I tried their Eczema & Psoriasis Cream and I can say, hand on heart, since using that I have not had a single reoccurrence of this skin irritation (you can see why I'm such a raving fan, right?) and my cracked skin over my knuckles and fingers is a distant memory!
Over the past 4 years of being a MooGoo customer, my love has only grown. This Australian owned company not only creates amazing Australian made products, but they care about their impact on the environment, making sure they keep nasty ingredients out of their range and are fully transparent on what they do put in and they still keep everything affordable so that everyone can have healthy products to use for their family.
Products I love and use regularly
For me
:: Milk Wash
For the girls
:: Milk Shampoo
:: Nappy Balm (when necessary)
So my advice to you? Read packaging, when you run out of something you already own that isn't made from skin loving ingredients, replace it with something that is and BE EDUCATED. You're 100% in charge of your body and what goes on and in it.
Spaces are opening for the next round of my Intentional Living Group Coaching... Shifts, growth and transformation in the safe space of other women. Emotions and feelings being held and heard, this next group promises more incredible releases and leaps.
Words from one of my beautiful
group coaching students :
To join our next round and get all the juicy details, click below!