Right before I headed on a little mini break to Far North Queensland with my family, I was lucky enough to team up with my best gal pal Kate Caddle and host and event for heart centred women who wanted to do what we do.
This was a total one off event... That I want to do every weekend from now on! But being realistic I believe the magic was in what happened within those few hours.
If you aren't familiar with us as a team, you need to know that where Kate can get all up in her higher chakras and focus too much on meditating and manifesting, I can get way too practical and forget that the universe is holding and supporting me. We are the definition of Yin and Yang and we flow and thrive because of it. So we started up by getting the room to identify their dominating feature.
Are you more Kate, or more Ange?
And it was split 50/50 (a good start) and we had each 'Kate' pair up with an 'Ange' and connect with someone who had the opposite strengths and promise to connect and stay in touch.
It was amazing chaos. The room was filled with incredible souls discussing their strengths, what they do, their big fat WHY and Kate and I looked at each other and we knew if we finished it up there we had created something magical enough to carry the day.
But that would've been irresponsible and obviously we wanted to share all the juice with everyone!
We kept it free flowing, discussing the topics we were most often asked about and doing a big section of Q&A. It was a full few hours and each time heads went down and notes were taken my heart did a little flutter... Pages and pages of growth for these coaches to take away that will help them flow and thrive.
We had gorgeous gifts from Alysa Michelle Yoga & the whole room was nourished by treats from my absolute favourite Nourishing by Sally Robbie. And to top it off, Anne from Get Together Photo captured the magic for us to share.
There will be more like this, if you want to stay informed you can subscribe to be the first to know about things like this right below -
But for now, I'm going to give you some FOMO with these images...