We’re officially halfway through Autumn and I’ve spent the last 6 weeks diving deep into doing everything seasonally.
I mean everything!
The next few weeks I’m going to have a focus on seasonal eating, seasonal beauty, seasonal self-care and everything else that is exciting me lately.
But I wanted to start by unpacking the spiritual side of this season.
It’s always been a favourite of mine. Here in Australia, Autumn doesn’t mean the leaves turning and dropping, leaving a blanket of orange, yellow and red on the ground. It basically just means you use a blanket at night. So it’s not quite as dramatic as some places in the world but still a beautiful reason to view and adjust your rituals and belief systems as needed.
So, what is it that I have found this 3 month period of the year to mean for me?
Autumn is all about change.
Shedding what no longer serves you.
Change, transformation, transition.
I believe this time of year is about releasing and letting go, slowing down and preparing for Winter. It’s a time to look at the BS (belief systems, not what you were thinking!) that aren’t serving you and get into action with removing the doubt, self-sabotage and frustrations that can come up in the months prior.
I believe it’s about both releasing and embracing. Saying goodbye to the parts of you that aren’t serving your path and allowing yourself to be secure and confident in exposing the parts of you that are sometimes hidden.
I believe that in the way animals prepare to hibernate and stock up for winter ahead, it’s also important for us to prepare to be a little more intentionally isolated so that we can connect back with ourselves.
Find comfort.
Find balance.
Find acceptance in releasing what you no longer need to hold onto.
Enjoy letting the parts of you that need to go, go.