
I often have heard that people take action to either avoid pain or gain pleasure.


We go to the party because we want to have fun.

We avoid the party because we don’t want to see that mean girl.


We eat that chocolate because it’s delicious.

We avoid that chocolate because we feel we’ve gained weight.


We do the activities to build our business to create abundance.

We avoid the activities in our business because we fear rejection.


And so being someone who’s main driver in life is to support people to push past their limits to create the life of their dreams, it’s often on my mind if people are being moved by the exhaustion of discomfort or the dream of more joy.  But this week I’ve heard 3 times for three different people, the same thing, in three slightly different ways.


Creating from fear, scarcity or lack won’t work long term.

Creating from gratitude, joy and excitement always will.


And I know that energetically, this will always make sense.  You attract your energetic match.  So if you’re attracting new people into your business from a place of fear, they will also hold fear.  If you’re manifesting from a space of not having enough, you will never get all that you desire.


If you’re attracting into your business from a place of KNOWING that you have the gift, that your abundance is being shared with someone who is truely going to make the most of the opportunity, you find yourself linking up with that same vibrational match.  And if you manifest from wanting to add to your already abundant being, you’ll find you can have more than you could ever dream.


Coming from a place of indifference (and even a bit of arrogance) will attract into you that same vibrational match.


So ask yourself, where am I attracting from?

How can I raise my vibration to find myself in alignment with my desires?

What activities, people, sounds and smells will ignite this feeling?

EVEN - what foods are raising my frequency in life right now?


Constantly connect to things that raise your inner vibration.


And start THERE.


Because from that inner frequency, you’ll attract your match.

