Eight years ago, I was eating chocolate at every meal, drowning in self loathing hatred for my body and nurturing toxic friendships that weren’t calling me to be my best.  


Now?  Nourishment is key in all areas of my life.  The way I eat, my self talk and the people who surround me.  All of these things feed me in a positive and soulful way. 


But, I never changed. 


That’s right.  Change was never an objective.  


Change implies that you can go back to your old ways.  When I finally decided I was sick of living at Insecurity Boulevard and wanted to haul ass to Enlightened Lane I knew that change wasn’t an option.  


Transformation was.  


I knew in my heart of hearts that I could change, but there would always be the option to swing right back into my comfy sweatpants mindset of quick validation and materialistic highs.  That wasn’t where I wanted to head back to.  


Transformation, however, means that it’s near impossible for you to go back to your old habits and self.  When you transform on a love filled level, it’s for life.  That stuff simply cannot be unlearnt.  


My biggest message to my clients and the take away I want you to absorb from reading this is that YOU NEED NOT CHANGE.  Changing is too easy. 

You can change your diet.  Or you can transform you mind so that each time you go into you kitchen and wrestle with the age old argument - pancakes or green smoothie, you’re so deeply invested in your transformation that you choose the nourishing option.  


You can change your style, be a little edgier or perhaps more classic.  Or you can transform your thinking so that your appearance is less about what others think and more about you, your comfort and your desire to feel confident and vibrant in what feels right to you.  

I have a gorgeous and brilliant client who very successfully quit her refined sugar addiction a few years ago.  She changed her diet, did a great online program to help her and lost a few kilos.  She did it purely for weight loss and felt great after.  


But after falling pregnant, giving into some cheeky cravings and watching the sugar free wagon drive away with her feeling no desire to jump back on, she now finds herself weeks away from giving birth and suffering with low energy, bad skin and mood swings that even pregnancy doesn’t justify.  


It’s suddenly not so easy to change back to her sugar free ways.  Because she never had a clear and valid WHY.  


During transformational periods in your life, you can clearly describe your big WHY.  Why you want to make this lifestyle adjustment and what it means to you future.  Simply loosing weight in order to fit into a stereotype that is magnified by the media right now isn’t a valid why.  


If you want a real honest transformation, get clear on your why.


How?  Follow your joy.  What brings you joy?  Ask yourself that every single day and write it down until you become crystal clear on what in your life will bring you joy and what it will take to achieve it.  


Visualise yourself post transformation.  Think about what will be different when you’re living in a true, authentic and beautiful way.  Nourish what it will take to get there.  Educate yourself, listen to podcasts, watch YouTube clips on the subject, join FMTV for inspiration & read, read, read.  


And lastly, ask for help.  In the form of support from family, guidance from a professional coach or simply put it out there to the universe and feed that thought daily.  


Whatever you do, don’t change.  You’re wonderfully perfect in so many ways, if you want to add to your life instead of taking away from it… TRANSFORM.



If you’re in a mindset of change and would like to discuss how I can support and guide you through your own transformation - check out my Coaching Services to see if you’re ready to take life to the next soul filled place for you.