Last weekend I got to watch as almost 50 women came together in a beautiful space to be open, honest and vulnerable.
It blew me away. From the first bubbly attendee breezing in with a big smile and warm cuddle to the tears shed by all the women who felt secure enough to share their insecurities with the entire room. And that room! Smelling sweetly of Lemon Canary peony and marshmallow candles that were scattered through the room, capturing the essence of the comfortable oversized cushions and rugs that covered the entire floor and the huge green plants that made the space feel like a natural oasis - all thanks to hours of work from the girls at Dos Ombre.
I sat on my gigantic cushion next to my beautiful friend Kate Caddle, I watched people completely engage in her words and drink in all of mine. It was humbling. From the girl who bravely shared her desire for more friends to take the place of the family she was missing, to the glowing pregnant woman in the corner that completely bared her insecurities to us.
The biggest take away of the day for everyone was the need for self love. Because how can we expect to be loved without condition if we don't love ourselves that way?
Of all the moments, my favourite was watching everyone arrive, get their goodie bag, grab a Cleanse Kitchen Juice and settle into a space on the floor that felt safe. Before I knew it, the entire room was buzzing. Nothing had even begun but I looked around and saw people making friends, creating new connections and letting the nerves drip slowly away and the warm aura of comfort take over.
Kate started the day with a guided meditation. The buzz of the room dissipated and everyone settled into their intention.
We discussed what the day was about - friendships on a soulful level, removing the surface stuff and getting to the real relationships where you can be raw and open without fear. Friendships where you feel seen and heard but more importantly - understood. Within the first half of the day we had all come to the conclusion that this inner craving of wanting more than just discussion about weather within our friendships was felt by almost the whole room.
Kate and I shared our 3 steps to calling in your soul squad in depth. Not just explaining the process but getting deep into each step and taking action on each one.
We broke for some delicious gluten & sugar free sticky date from Going Coconuts. Then washed it down with some Probiotic Kitchen Kombucha. The room started to buzz again and Kate guided us back into our hearts again to finish the day discussing ways to put all that everyone had learnt into action.
In all, the even was a little over 4 hours. But the time absolutely flew by as though we were there for merely minutes. We sat in a huge circle at the end and each shared what we had taken from the day.
Self love
Feeling safe
Loosing fear
Attracting love
But the best feedback I heard was from someone who mentioned that the event felt authentic and genuine, with no one simply there to 'be seen'. Everyone there wanted to leave the room a happier person and I truely believe that they did.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to our day
Dos Ombre for styling the whole space
Emma Newby for taking incredible photographs
The Borrowed Nursery for greenery
Boheme + Body for the gorgeous space
Lemon Canary for our scented candles
The Probiotic Kitchen for our gut loving Kombucha
The Cleanse Kitchen for our energising juices
Going Coconuts for our sweet half time treats
And here is a sneak peek of the photos.. Check out the rest on my Facebook Page.

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