When you think about hormones, the focus isn’t just on teens, women who are trying to get pregnant or that time of the month. Healthy humming hormones are beneficial for so many areas of your wellbeing PLUS they help you to look and feel your absolute best. When your on key with the inner stuff, your energy, libido, digestion plus radiant hair, skin and nails will all benefit beyond belief.
BUT… Certain lifestyle factors can mean that our levels aren’t as balanced as we would like them, which in turn makes us grumpy and tired with dull skin, zero sparkle in our eyes and unable to shift those annoying few kilos.
You probably know that refined sugar, excess alcohol and too much (or the wrong kinds) of caffeine can heavily effect your hormones. But did you know that stress, certain cleaning and beauty products, bottled water and plastic food storage containers can also be an issue? These contain chemicals that actually mimic oestrogen and when we are constantly exposed to them, our bodies levels continue to rise, leaving us totally out of balance.
There are many ways to help those hormones out such as focusing on cleansing your liver, which has a difficult time filtering out all the nasties when it’s overwhelmed, and dealing with stress through meditation. But to get you started on your journey to healthy humming hormones, I wanted to share with you some incredible foods that will boost your chances of shifting that weight, lifting your mood and feeling all around lighter and brighter.
Sound good? I’m going to make this super simple for you -
Coconut and coconut oil
Coconuts contain lauric acid which is incredibly beneficial for hormone production. Another benefit is that it kills bad bacteria in the body, is incredibly healing and provides the best type of energy because of it’s natural ease through your digestion tract. Plus Miranda Kerr swears that it kick starts your metabolism.
I love to cook with ghee. It provides a great source of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K2. These are nutrients that many of us area lacking in and they are the building blocks for happy hormones.
Organic Eggs
Eggs are like the perfect food for me. They’re so rich in vitamins that we need to keep our reproductive system and hormones balanced. This includes A, D, E, B2, B6, B9, iron, calcium, potassium. Make sure you eat the whole egg, not just the whites!
These babies are the good type of fat, the type that helps us to absorb and use the nutrients that our body needs. Full of vitamins E, B and folic acid which sounds familiar because YES, we need a good amount of it when we’re making tiny humans.
Bone Broth
I start (almost) every day with a warm cup of bone broth. Why is it so important for your hormones? Because it’s INCREDIBLY healing for your gut and without good digestion, your not absorbing the nutrients that you need to make good hormones. Eating the above foods will help, but if you’re not fully absorbing what you need out of them, you’re still up the creek without a paddle. If you want a great recipe then check out this one I made for you.
On top of these tips, adding more whole foods, organic if possible and clearing out any packaged processed junk will help you greatly when it comes to looking and feeling your best. It doesn't just happen by fluke, feeling good takes thought!
Make sure you comment below to let me know your tips for Healthy Happy Hormones. And if you feel like yours need a boost or update - head straight to my COACHING PAGE and book in for a free 30 minute chat to see what you can do about it!